Archie Man is a simple Application I wrote to help you quickly find locations of programs on the Internet via E-Mail. I was tired of logging onto various WWW & Archie search engines every time I had an idea for some software. More often then not, I would have to wait large periods of time to get answers. Archie Man allows me to "Queue" messages to be sent later when I feel like it. All the file searching work is done OFF LINE! For example, if you were interested in finding the location of a program called "SpinalTap," you would run "Archie Man" and type "SpinalTap" in the box and press ok. Archie then composes an email on any version of Eudora. A few minutes (maybe more during busy times) you will receive a list (via E-Mail) of places to look and download the file. Then using a FTP client, such as Anarchie, Fetch, or Netscape, you can download the program.
Apple Macintosh Computer
AppleScript Software (must be installed)
Eudora, E-Mail program
1. Verify that AppleScript is installed on your Macintosh. You can do this by looking in the extensions folder of your System Folder and looking for 2 files called "AppleScript™" & "AppleScriptLib". Also, there should also be folder called "Scripting Additions".
2. Archie Man ships as a "Locked" File. Therefore, you should make a copy of it and use the copy. Remember to un-lock the copies. If there is ever a problem, you can easily go back to the original and make another copy. The easiest way to make a copy is to hilite the icon for Archie Man and select Duplicate from the File Menu (makes an un-locked copy. You may want to consider putting Archie Man in the "Apple Menu Items Folder" so that it always appears in you Apple Menu.
3. Now that you have a copy of Archie Man, its time to run it. Please load your version of Eudora before attempting to run Archie Man for the first time. You will get a series of questions about how to configure Archie Man. The first question will ask you for the name of the file you are interest in. For example, in the above example, you would enter "SpinalTap". It will then ask you for your E-Mail address. Once you entered your E-Mail address, Archie Man will not ask you again, i.e., it remembers it. The last question will be what Archie location to send your request to. The default answer of "" is already entered for you. Use this unless you would like to experiment with other Archie Servers (see below for list of other sites). As with the E-Mail address, you will not be asked again.
4. Finally, Archie Man will turn to Eudora and generate the proper message. Make sure this new letter gets sent. In a little while you will receive some interesting news.
-6/07/96 v1.0 Find By File name.
-6/26/96 v1.1 Include Max Hits and Sort Routine.
-7/08/96 v1.2 Improved Eudora Compatibility.
Direct all inquires to : or visit our home page at To join the Archie Man E-Mail List, send an E-Mail to This is a low volume announcement list only.
Legal stuff:
Please read this before using!!!
Archie Man is free and may be distributed without charge, with the following restrictions:
(1) You may not distribute any altered copy of this software to any user outside of your site without prior permission from Mmandi Software;
(2) The software may not be distributed without a copy of this document on either physical or electronic media (printed copy or disk);
(3) The software may not be distributed as part of any commercial software package without prior permission from Mmandi Software;
(4) No fee may be charged for distributing this software except for reasonable duplication costs.
(5) Non-profit educational institutions may disregard (2) when distributing this software internally to their own users; any copy of Archie Man that is made available to others outside of the institution, however (for anonymous ftp from other sites, for example) must be unaltered and must include this document.
This software is provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind. Mmandi Software does not warrant, guarantee or make any representation regarding the use, or the results of the use, of this software. In no event shall Mnandi Software be liable for any damages resulting from the use or performance of the software.
Eudora is a registered trademark of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, licensed to QUALCOMM Incorporated.
Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
AppleScript is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
Archie Man is written by Jeffrey Taylor, and is copyright (c) 1996. You may reach the author by electronic mail at The author does not promise any form of technical support, but will attempt to fix any bugs that are reported and confirmed, as time permits.
Archie Servers:
The current (and complete) list of archie servers can be found with the
"servers" command (described below). Please pick one that is closest to you: